

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Christmas with Mom's side

Mom and Dad hosted my mom's family for Christmas again this year. It was great to see everyone...Adam and Crystal came from Florida and Dave and Nancy even flew in from Alaska.

Of course the annual Monopoly game was also held. Dave, dubbed "The Godfather" by his opponents, was the reigning champion for 2007. There may have been a little bitterness at the end as Adam declared (as only Adam can), "He's gone for five years, flies in and wins the Monopoly game, and then disappears for another five years.":) The Godfather strikes again.

The rest of the day was relatively calm. Though anyone that has been to one of our family events knows that things are rarely what others would consider "calm". I particularly enjoyed playing Apples to Apples with Alex (who is like six). He kept up just fine and had no trouble reading tyrannosaurus rex...which I can't even spell without spellcheck. You can tell he's Adam's kid.

It was also good to see Grandma though it made me miss Grandpa more. She looked beautiful as always. In this picture, she's looking at an old wedding picture of her and Grandpa with Kaitlin and telling her all about the dresses and flowers.:)

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