

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

An Interview with the Birthday Girl

Lucette is four! I was going to try to describe this crazy thing but then I decided it's really best in her own words.

What was the best part about being three?
"That I loved to play Jonah a little bit." (she actually played this A LOT)

What makes you excited about being four?
"I'm excited about that I'm older."

What is your favorite place to be?
"In a hiding place like downstairs in the basement."

What do you like to say to people?
"I like to say to people that I really like to play in basements." (she actually isn't allowed in our creepy basement, so no idea where this came from)

What do you like about our family?
"That we all take care of each other." *awww!*

What would you do on your perfect day?
"My perfect day I would do something with YOU!" *and another awww!*

What makes you sad?
"That I always, always be sad that I don't get to go somewhere which I have beautiful costumes and stuff like that." (Poppy just came home with her ballet recital costume and there was much sadness from the girl who's not in ballet yet)

What are you learning right now?
"I'm learning that we should not be sad because I just don't have to be sad."

What's your favorite story?
"My favorite story is about Jonah and the whale because I like how the whale swallowed Jonah."

What would you like to say if the whole world was listening?
"I would want to say OUT LOUD that I LIKE REINDEER!"

What is something funny?
"What is a parrot like when it squawks? It squawks a jellyfish out of its tummy!"

What would you like to be when you grow up?
"I would like to be a town keeper who saves everyone."

Where would you like to live someday?
"I would like to live in a place called Japan."

What do you think is scary?
"That monsters always eat people."

What would you like to learn how to do?
"I would like to learn how to do SPORTS!"
Which sports?
"Sports that you stand on the horse and the horse is going fast."

What's your favorite animal?
"My favorite animal is the cheetah since it always runs fast and I like running and I like animals who run fast!"
What's your least favorite animal?
"Vultures are my worst animal. Vultures are a very bad, bad bird because they have long beaks and like to peck everyone so be careful when you leave the house. Don't listen to vultures because they speak bad words, like 'you're a silly girl!' So don't follow vultures."

What is something wise that you know?
"Something wise is that I always do what's right."

What do you think about Jesus?
"I think about Jesus that he will save me from my death. I wish I could be in heaven and see Jesus. I really do, but then Nana will miss me. But it's glory, and I love Jesus and that's why I don't have to cry and I can smile and it will be wonderful."

What makes you special?
"That I will soon not cry and be a grown up and that I will be precious."

How much do I love you?
"Super duper uper much. That's how much you love me!"

"...I'm done with this. I don't want any more of this."
Cetty girl, you're just the brightest, most powerful little force and we do love you super, duper, uper much!
 Happy birthday and may this year be the best one yet.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Months Nine & Ten

What Fife has been up to...
+ More teeth on the way...and taking forever
+ Clapping when she's happy and when we say "yay!"
+ Eating, eating, eating all the food
+ Doing this funny thing where she just holds her right arm way up in the air for a very long time. Not sure what it means, but it's her thing.
+ Waving when we say "bye"
+ Not very independent and still attached to me, though she will thankfully let other people hold her now...just as long as I don't leave the room
+ Up on her feet a lot of the time and cruising around while holding onto things

She may be growing up fast, but just look how tiny she is in this photo!

Blurry because she's always on the move and because she wouldn't let me step away from her for two seconds to take the photo.

And then this...she has such a very effective sad face.