

Monday, December 22, 2014

Friday, December 12, 2014

The Lady at the Flower Shop

I've been meaning to type up this story for a while, and now seems like the right time.

I was buying birthday flowers for Bry's mom at my favorite shop. First off, they have the best flowers. I walked around picking out random things I liked and made this ensemble with a big plant that looks like a cabbage. Pretty cool, huh?
The girls were with me and while Poppy was trying to tell me which flowers I had to choose, Cetty was pulling handfuls of plants out of buckets and generally just destroying everything she could reach. I noticed that the store owner seemed unusually gentle and patient, and I was glad for that. 

She talked to the girls and asked what their favorite flowers and colors were. I assumed she was making conversation, but the next thing I knew she was handing the girls each a rose to take home. So sweet. I, on the other hand, wasn't feeling quite so patient and tried to hurry in an effort to limit the damage done to the cute little shop.

I was loading the girls up in the car when I heard a voice behind me. The store owner was standing there in the parking lot. I was a little confused at this point. Did I leave something (quite possible)? Then she said, "I just felt like God wanted me to tell you that you're a really good mom. Keep doing what you're doing." She was so sincere and had such a soft, quiet spirit. I really did feel like I was hearing from God through this woman. I didn't know what to say so I hugged her. I felt like I was going to cry.

I've thought about that incident several times since it happened. It makes me want to take every chance I have to encourage other moms out there. So if you're a mom, this is me encouraging you. God bless you for loving His kids and keep doing what you're doing. 

The reason I thought about the flower shop lady tonight is because it was a tough week with the girls. Yes, Cetty is in a horribly difficult stage. She's defiant, unbelievably destructive, and so very exhausting. But I think it's really my issue. I've had such a short fuse. I've yelled, over-reacted, been lazy and selfish, felt sorry for myself, and been an all-around bad example to my girls of what a mother is meant to be. 

I'm not a good mom. I've been humbled enough times to know that. But God is a good God, and He offers forgiveness, encouragement, and grace. Over and over again. I don't deserve that and I don't deserve the experience of being a mom to two precious girls. 

That's what I need to remember tomorrow when Poppy is whining and Cetty is throwing my toothbrush in the toilet, coloring on the rug, and emptying the cereal boxes on the kitchen floor for the ten-thousandth time.