

Friday, August 31, 2012

And then she was two

Somehow Poppy turned two this month. And somehow I'm mostly okay with it. Probably because this is such a wonderfully fun stage and probably because we have another tiny one coming soon to take care of my baby cravings for a while.

We went to the zoo with Bry's parents during the day (grand time, pictures to come later), and then spent the evening at my parent's where we had a very little party with some of Poppy's favorite people...Mimi and Papa, Uncle Luke and the Schafer cousins, Uncle Sam (I love saying that) and Aunt Kait, Aunt Mia, and Uncle Kurt. 

There were balloons...

 And hugs...

 And drinks...don't worry, it's only strawberry lemonade

 And of course a cake.
Angel food slathered in whipping cream and piled with strawberries...

 Poppy had been talking about a cake and candles all week

 And I just love her happy two-year-old face when she saw it

All on her own, she blew out her candles

 If you ask her how old she is, she'll probably do this.
I guess it's easier than trying to figure it out one-handed.

Later she took a spin on her new Radio Flyer

though she didn't quite have the pedaling thing down

And after that she stayed up far past her bed time,
but we didn't mind

All in all, a decent party.


Shana said...
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Shana said...

I can't believe that she is already two!! I love the pic of her riding fiercely on her new trike. :)Excited for your new little one to come too!

Alesa said...

so sweet! sorry we couldn't make it :(

Christen Leigh said...

Looks more like a lovely party!! :)