

Thursday, April 5, 2012

And The Winner is...

Well, let's just say that I'm looking forward to all of my back rubs, and Bry might not be so keen on filling out a bracket against me next year. I pretty much dominated. And no, of course it wasn't beginner's luck!

Maybe I'll make Bry a steak sometime to make him feel better after his embarrassing loss. Maybe.


L, Ann and boys said...

Man...I knew I should have filled one of those things out. That sounds like a really nice set up. I'll call you next year for advice and fill mine in. heeehee ;) Luke printed me one and everything.


leah said...

ok, i somehow missed this post and was going to ask you who the winner was!

funny--b/c after ross heard about your bet he asked if he could change his reward to me making him steak...(which i should have said NO).

unfortunately i was as lucky as you...and i'm browsing the internet unsuccessfully at finding a steak recipe that looks easy enough for me to make w/o a grill!

hehe :) too funny...enjoy those backrubs!

leah said...

**i was NOT as lucky.

whoops. typo.