

Thursday, September 23, 2010

One Month

Our little Poppyseed is one month old already! Oh my...I don't think I want her growing up so fast!
Recent Accomplishments:
+ Smiling at us when she's awake, not just in her sleep
+ Spitting up in surprising amounts
+ Being delightfully grumpy for no explainable reason (particularly after dinner)
+ Drinking from a bottle with her daddy
+ Insisting on holding her head up on her own...I don't think she knows she's a baby yet
+ Sleeping five hours at night (unfortunately she has not decided to make this a habit)
+ Getting decidedly round and chubby
+ Making her mom and dad very happy!


L, Ann and boys said...

Little sweetie, I miss her...what several days now since I've held her. =)

Tell her aunt An will let her spit up all she wants next time I see her. =)

Daveana said...

I can't believe she's a month already!

Miranda said...

It doesn't seem a month since she was born! But then, I know exactly how fast it can go, since I can't believe Trae is 11 months. :) I am sure you are enjoying her. I'll have to remember to pray for you in the evenings as you cuddle your "delightfully grumpy" little girl. :)

schlatter0225 said...

What a little doll she is. I can remember those evenings you are speaking of and believe me it will pass all too quickly. Enjoy it all. And congrats on selling the house also!!! We are very excited for you.

J Gutwein said...

Ah.. so great to see! I need to call you! Love, Jenny