

Monday, October 20, 2008

Uh Oh...

So, my right eye has been bugging me lately and I found out today that it has an ulcer! (as in an open sore...eww) I didn't even know people could get ulcers on their eyes. Apparently it can happen if you wear your contacts for too many hours a day or don't change them as often as you're supposed to (oops). Yeah, and they leave a scar. The good news is that it's on the lower part of my eye...my eye doctor told me that the scar can actually end up blinding you if it's up near your cornea and all that important stuff! Lasik surgery is sounding better all the time.

Well, that's my exciting drama for the day.:) And may it be a warning to you all to remember to CHANGE THOSE CONTACTS!


L, Ann and boys said...

You poor thing. You may have to buy that expensive ClearCare stuff because it cleans the lenses a lot better and disinfects them too. I'm sure you'll love the new pricey disposable item on your shopping list as much as I do. Luke can't use anything else anymore since he has to wear contacts weird times and at night.

Hope you feel better soon.


Bry&Ash said...

Thanks for the sympathy, Ann.:) I'm feeling much better now. Hopefully I won't have to use that fizzy stuff...it looks like a pain.

Love you.

L, Ann and boys said...

It's a pain...mostly if you put it in your eyes without letting it sit for 6 hours to become PH balanced. =O) ouch. Or put it in a travel bag and it leaks out the top vent...annoying. I wish you many more happy years with the normal stuff.
