

Friday, August 26, 2016

Four Months

At three months I started thinking that maybe we were past the hardest stage and things were running along more smoothly. But then BAM, four months hit and we were back to fussy evenings, ridiculous mini naps, inconsistent eating, and even waking up more at night. I'm totally confused and worn out. I'm trying to follow some kind of a schedule to get things back on track but then I think the schedule just makes me more frustrated because it's not working.

Anyway, I don't like it when people refer to babies as "good" because it implies that if a baby is challenging then it's bad and all babies are just doing what they are designed to do. So, Fife is a good baby, she's just not the easiest. I know she's not the hardest either and I really don't have much to whine about. Also, she's pretty cute and I love her very much…which helps too.
What Fife is up to…

+ Finally sleeping in the crib in her OWN room, though she's not too happy about it
+ She's very ticklish…it's the easiest way to make her giggle so we're having fun with that
+ Sleeping through the night a decent percentage of the time (hitting a whopping 11 hours once!)
+ Sitting up in the Bumbo seat, which the girls think is hilarious
+ Rolling from tummy to back
+ Using her hands more effectively and reaching for things
+ Wanting lots of one-on-one attention and a frequent change of scenery, just not too much craziness
+ Trying out the Baby Merlin's Magic Sleep Suit (yes, that's a thing and yes, I bought it in my desperation) and it does seem to be helping with her sleep difficulties

1 comment:

Klint & Sarah said...

Wow she is SUCH a perfect mix of your other two (my opinion :))

Oh I hope things start looking up soon - that is exhausting!!