

Monday, March 7, 2016

How About That Baby?

We are FIVE weeks away from the due date over here, and I am feeling it. I have a to do list that is far from done and I'm not sure how I'll survive three little ones when I'm not keeping up with the two I already have, but still, we're excited. I love teeny tiny newborns and very soon I'll be meeting this one! That never gets old.

And she's already keeping us guessing. She's currently positioned head up, the little rascal. So I'm trying "exercises" (that seem completely ridiculous) and my OB mentioned a procedure to attempt turning her around. But if those things don't work then there is the possibility of a c-section. Or another scenario...because Cetty's shoulder got stuck pretty severely during labor, they've scheduled me for an extra ultrasound to monitor the baby's weight and if she looks as big as Cetty was then they may want to induce me a week early.

All that to say, I have no expectations or grand birth plans at this point and just want whatever is safest for the baby. Thankfully I'm feeling relaxed and peaceful about whatever needs to happen. I'm also very ready to be able to lay down in bed and feel comfortable again.

So, yesterday I asked Bry to take a few photos to remember the pregnancy. He did a fabulous job, especially putting up with me. And Poppy even took a few of the two of us together. She was so grown up and adorable, standing on a chair holding my big camera. She was loving it and was surprisingly good, so maybe we've found her calling.


petite+grand said...

These are so good. I love your hair. We will have to chat if a C/S is scheduled :). Love, Jenny

sarah.flyingkites said...

These pics are just adorable.

And, what?! 5 weeks?! Didn't you just announce a couple weeks ago? ;)

leah said...

these are beautiful! thankful you are feeling peaceful for the weeks to come, excited to hear the news!

Amy Klotzle said...

My baby was breech still at 37 weeks after exercises, biweekly chiropractor visits, everything. We had the flipping procedure done which thankfully worked. I love the attitude though of the baby will come when and how she comes!

Amy K

Unknown said...

I had a baby that couldn't make up its mind if he wanted to be head up or head down. Like Amy, I visited my Chiro a LOT and he did the Webster Breech Technique and thankfully delivered a head down baby all in perfect timing :) Good Luck!

Daveana said...

Your pictures are adorable! I love that Poppy took some of the photos. I hope things go smoothly and the baby ends up the directions she's supposed to.

Heather Hoerr said...

sweet pics... you don't look like you only have five weeks left :)

L, Ann and boys said...

These are sooo so pretty. Tell Poppy Aunt A thinks she did a great job. Hope that little one flips for you...Luke's sister Sam put frozen peas on her belly until she was about frozen through while inverted or something crazy and got little Kate flipped finally. I'm sure you will hear about all kind of crazy ideas from people if you ask. ;) I'm so excited to meet that little one!

Shana said...

These are adorable and so is your precious family.; )

Shana said...

These are adorable and so is your precious family.; )

emilykate said...
