

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Those Lips

 Was looking through old photos on my phone and found a few sweet ones of Lucette. I love this girl's lips. She has had the hand-foot-mouth virus the past few days (or something similar) so I have been trying not to kiss her. It's hard.

Her hair was sweaty when I took off her hat and I couldn't resist.

 Her first lemon. Kids make the best pucker faces. 
…it didn't look like she was enjoying it, but she just kept going back for more.

I'm leaving tomorrow for residency in Louisville and the start of my 4th, and last, semester of grad school…which means no more kisses for 8 days. I'm going to miss my girls (and boy).
Poppy climbed into my suitcase when I was trying to pack and told me to buckle her in and take her places. Sounds like she's going to like traveling as much as I do.

1 comment:

L, Ann and boys said...

haha buckle me in and take me places sounds just like you ;)