

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

So Much for Mother's Day

The girls' gift to me this year was fevers, pneumonia, a weird rash, and ear infections (the pediatrician thinks it's mycoplasma). the night before Mother's Day, Lucette refused to go to sleep and after finally passing out from exhaustion she continued to wake up about every two hours. She and I did not go to church. Sunday night was Poppy's turn. She ended up in our room for most of the night, and there were a couple of points in there when all four of us were in one bed. Very cozy.

I may not have had much of a break on Mother's Day--and yes I'm complaining right now--but I do love my two crazies like crazy. And I'm very thankful that they seem to be doing better today.

We did also have some quality time with the family. We spent most of the weekend with Bry's side and were able to be with his grandpa who hasn't been doing very well.
Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Blake, Bry, and girls
Sunday afternoon we were with my family (swapping sick germs). The moms tried to escape for a relaxing hour at a coffee shop, but we ended up spending most of that time wandering around town like a bunch of brainless geese, trying to make a decision and find somewhere that was open. It was semi-relaxing. But even that was pretty fun with those ladies. (I love you girls!)

Bry had tried to plan a surprise for me on Friday, but I ruined it by going to an aerial yoga class with Kaitlin last minute. On the plus side, I absolutely LOVED the class and am super excited to go again. It was the most fun, interesting, and relaxing workout I've ever done, and I was actually sad when it was over. That never happens.
So, in closing…I'm super proud of all you moms out there. (My two moms included!) It's not an easy calling, but it's so, so important. Thank you for all you do, and keep at it.


Shana said...

Ugh ;( sorry for all the crazy sickness... no fun. Although all 4 snuggling in one bed would have made my heart smile. Glad you enjoyed the fun yoga. You have some major guns on you ;)

L, Ann and boys said...

geese...haha...so funny. Did you hear me honking and flapping my wings when we left black Sparrow... / haha oh my. The yoga class looks so relaxing...like a hammock ;)

Christen Leigh said...

Ugh this sounds so awful! Although, your time with sisters and the yoga sound fun, so thats positive. Hope your girls are totally better soon!