

Friday, May 24, 2013


Wells Jacob
Born May 23rd at 5 lb 2 oz

I have a new nephew! Welcome to the world, Baby Wells. You are quite possibly the most adorable little thing I've ever seen!

Kaitlin was amazing and actually really fun during delivery. For all of the stress that they went through for the pregnancy, it was such a relief to see her have such an incredible labor. Less than 12 hours from start to finish (about five hours at the hospital) and only 20 minutes of pushing. Her and Sam both handled it like absolute pros! And though he's tiny, Wells is a healthy, feisty little guy with a full faux hawk.

It was such a special, emotional day to be a part of. My mom and Andria were there too, so we had a cheering block in the corner. I think we were almost as tired as Kait when it was all over. I'm so glad the doctor let me stay in the room with Cetty during the delivery, who thankfully slept liked a baby until her cousin had safely arrived. 

We love you, Wells!

1 comment:

Christen Leigh said...

Aw!!! So precious! I am so excited for them and for your whole family as it truly is turning into "babyville". :)

Have you moved yet? Miss you!