

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

March Madness

So it's March, and not only does that mean the start of spring, but it's also the best part of basketball season. Since I like basketball too, it wasn't hard for Bry to convince me to fill out a bracket with him and keep score on our predictions. This isn't just for fun either. We have serious prizes at stake. 

If I win, I get a back rub every day for a week. If Bry wins, he gets a homemade steak dinner with his favorite vanilla pudding for dessert. This may not seem like much of a prize on his end, but he is an unfortunate steak-lover married to someone who cooks with very little meat (and almost never with red meat). There are several reasons that I'm not crazy about meat, but I won't go into all that. 

Anyway, I am very proud to announce that I'm currently in the lead, and may not have to figure out how to properly grill a steak. This is of course annoying to Bry who actually knows the teams and put some amount of thought into it. But as you can see from all the scribbling out on his bracket (the top one), he obviously had much less confidence in his predictions. You just have to go with your heart...which in my case usually means the highest seed, unless it's Purdue of course. 

He also gave me the lucky horseshoe magnet when he put our brackets up on the fridge. Big mistake.

I'll keep you posted on the final score.


leah said...

so fun! we are doing this too...but we're pretty close!

i laughed about your red-meat comment...ross & bryan should hang out and eat meat b/c ross hardly ever eats it here! :)

i was at the dr last week and she commented that i looked pale and needed more iron...more red meat. i think i'm going to go with the dark leafy greens :)

Ashton said...

hehe. That's funny Leah. I'm sure Bry would LOVE to hang out with Ross and eat meat. Name the place and time.

And I support you wholeheartedly on the dark, leafy greens. That, or you could take care of the pale skin with a sunny vacation.:)