

Monday, October 10, 2011

Another Good Couples Night

We hosted Couples Night in September and had fun planning an autumn menu. Bry and Poppy even gathered some fall decorations for the table while on their walk.

For dessert we made Heather and Suzanne mix the batter up blindfolded. They did have Chad and Ben for coaching at least. And the fastest blindfolded chef received a point in the ongoing "Most Amazing Couple Competition." (Heather won that round by a fraction)

We also had them play a word game and mold shapes out of play dough for their partner to guess. They were pretty impressive.
Morgan and Kyra joined us a little later and then smoked the competition in the last round.

After the games and dessert we had a long, amazing talk and were able to pray together. It was perfect (and thought-provoking). We love our friends!


Alesa said...

sounds so fun!

Christen Leigh said...

That sounds like a blast. Wish we lived closer to you so we could join nights like these! :) Hey, I'm coming to Indy on Saturday-- I hope you hang out with us!

Ashton said...

That's so cool that you're coming to Indy, Christen! We have plans in the evening, but hopefully I'll get to see you before.

Miss you!