

Thursday, September 22, 2011


God grant me the serenity 
to accept the things I cannot change; 
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
My grandmother, Carmela Frances, slipped away quietly on September 15, 2011. She always loved the Serenity Prayer. It hung on the wall in her old house that I remember so well as a child, and it hung beside her bed in the nursing home. When her daughters asked her if she was all right if that day was her last day, she told them that she wanted whatever should happen to happen.

When I came to say goodbye, I couldn't believe how her face glowed. She was beautiful to the end. I'll never forget my last conversation with her. And I'll never forget her pink nail polish and pearl earrings.

I was so thankful that Poppy was able to meet her elegant, fiery, New York great grandma and bring one more smile to her face.

1 comment:

Daveana said...

Ashton! What precious pictures! Thanks for sharing those special and I will say again precious moments! Sorry for your loss.

Love and thoughts,