

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Being a Girl

Poor Bryan. Sometimes I can be so unreasonable.

Take this past weekend for example. We were on a long car ride and Bry gets a craving for ice cream. I lectured him a little bit on how bad ice cream is for you but secretly, deep down, I thought it sounded pretty good too so I didn't put up too much of a fight. Pretty soon, we spotted a Culvers and Bryan happily got his raspberry mixer (fresh raspberries mixed with delicious Culvers custard...pretty much the best combo ever).

Of course, there's no way that I can ignore the ice cream when it's sitting right next to me in the car. What am I supposed to do, stare out the window at another corn field going by? Plus, I don't want Bryan to consume ALL those calories on his own so I'd better help him out, right?

And then, as soon as the cup is empty, I'm instantly annoyed. Why did I just eat all that? (I'm pretty sure I ended up having more than Bry when it was all said and done) And then the unreasonableness begins...

This is all Bryan's fault. It's ludicrous to expect myself to resist the deliciousness if he's going to bring it into the car. Why did he insist on getting ice cream in the first place? He knows how bad it is for you and he practically forced me into eating it! How mean. Especially right before we leave for Florida!

Yep. In my state of annoyance, I quickly and viciously passed the blame onto my poor, unsuspecting husband...the (mostly) innocent party...and let him know for a good five minutes how frustrated I am. Never mind the fact that it was me who had no self control. Thankfully, I think he's mostly used to the ridiculousness of girls by now. From his response, he didn't seem too alarmed anyway. After my tirade, he replied with a smile, "Well, I enjoyed the ice cream."

Is it just me, or is it normal for wives to lose all logic from time to time?


Julie B. said...

You're certainly not the only wife who loses logic from time to time. But, if it weren't for us, our husbands wouldn't get the annual season tickets to the "circus" every week. We're here to entertain, right? ;=)

Alesa said...

Ash, that was so funny...I was laughing out loud! Have a great trip!

Kaitlin said...

Hehe! That was really fun to read :) I can't wait to see you!

Jill said...

Too funny! I had to read your column to Adam. He says I need to re-assure you it is normal.