

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Taylor, MO

I have a lot of pictures from our weekend "experience" in Taylor, and they pretty much speak for themselves...so instead of boring you with a lengthy dialogue about our time there, I'll just let the pictures show you what kind of crazy Taylor stuff we were up to.

First of all, here's the Heimer"cabin." Due to the fact that it's more of a mansion than a cabin, it is more commonly referred to as the "cansion" by those who have had the pleasure of enjoying the Heimer hospitality there. And enjoy it we did, from late-night hot-tubbing upon our arrival Friday, to a Saturday night campfire and s'mores.
Because of the cherry trees that grow on the property, the land had been called Cherry Valley by those in the area. When the Heimers found this out, they engraved the name on the mantle...unfortunately, you can't really see it in this picture, but you do get a nice shot of the stuffed turkey in the corner. That is just one of MANY, MANY animals that were no match for the mighty Heimer hunters and are now on display in the cabin.
Here's Bryan, starting the day off right with devotions on the pond.

This is us AFTER our trek through the woods on 4-wheelers. (Notice the mud and Bryan's fun new hair style due to lots of wind in the face) It was crazy...who knew that ramping over fallen trees and getting covered in mud could be so fun. At times I just had to hit the gas, grit my teeth and hang on for dear life to keep up. Jake Heimer was our faithful leader and gave us a great tour of the land.

The morning 4-wheeling adventure was followed by a breakfast of champions (eggs and pancakes) under the fallow deer antler chandelier.:)
Here's us at HIS Ranch on the horses. Lots of fun, though it was about 100 degrees and very humid at this point in the day.
Javon and one of the two adorable new foals on the ranch.

Notice the sweat...we were all pretty much drenched by the time we'd ridden and lugged all of the 500 lb. saddles back into the saddle room.

Once back at the cabin, we had time for a little bit of evening fishing to complete our memorable visit. The sunset was beautiful on the pond and a good time was had by all, though Bryan and Lori were the only two who were lucky enough to catch anything.
Thank you Heimers and Steffen family for a great time!


L, Ann and boys said...

Fun! I want to go...=o) I'm glad you guys had the chance to spend time with the Steffen family.


Christen Leigh said...

Awww this looks like so much fun, Ash!!

Ok I think I have said this every time I have commented on your blog for the entire summer........... but I SERIOUSLY miss you! We need to do something next week to kick off our school year. Yes? Yes.


Bry&Ash said...
