

Friday, September 5, 2008

My Brown Thumb

I want to be posting about my trip to CA with Kait or vacation in AR with Bry's family. However, I'm still working my way through the hundreds of pictures, so that will have to wait. In the meantime, I'd like to share my frustration with you concerning plants...

I'm coming to the realization that, although I love them, I do not have a gift with plants. In fact, I should probably just give up now, because it seems that everything I touch ends up wilting and dying. For example...

Here is the sad and patchy grass in our back yard that we worked so hard on. (you have to look hard to see it through all of the weeds)
And here is one of the front-yard transplants from my aunt that was supposed grow nice and big and shield our house from the road. I don't think it will be much help. In fact...it's quite dead and quite pathetic looking.
And last but not least, here is one of our evergreen trees that I planted last fall. I've somehow managed to transform it into an everBROWN tree...not cool. (and not cheap either)
Oh but wait...maybe there is hope. There has been green life spotted somewhere!

Yeah, too bad it's along the wall in our BASEMENT! We spilled grass seed down there at some point, and apparently the basement is the perfect ecosystem for flourishing grass. And all this time we had been trying to grow things in the yard...if only we had known!

Sigh...that's cruel irony for you.

Oh yeah, and I'm in a horticulture lab this semester. I think I will be expected to keep some plants alive. I'm a little worried...:) And what if nurturing capabilities with plants corresponds to nurturing capabilities with children?? That does not bode well for our family...


Anonymous said...

Oh Ash, Love Love the grass in the basement! Love, J

Alesa said...

That's funny Ash. I was just going to post a picture of our grass (or LACK thereof) too...I feel your pain. :)

love ya.

L, Ann and boys said...

he hee hee, cuckle chuckle....my word...I've seen that grass in the basement picture and it still has me in stiches...=o) Your post was grand entertainment...sorry it has to be at your own expense. =o( I'm not doing much better either if it makes you feel any better, our tomato plants have yeilded a hefty 4-5 little fruits so far and we haven't even attempted grass yet...we still have a desert out back. =o)


Annette Bahler said...

that's the funniest post I have read in along time, perhaps you should be a comedy writer!
-and perhaps I should come help you plant your replacement shade tree and everbrown one too.
Did your Aunt MaryAnn, the award winning magazine landscape artist, see this post yet? love you, mom

Bry&Ash said...

I'm glad to hear that I am not alone...at least my family understands.:) And Mom, I hope Mary Ann never sees this post (or my yard). The shame of it all...she would be so disappointed.:) But yes, please come and help me! I'm not too proud to know when I need help.:) (plus, it would be fun)

Love you guys!