

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Months One & Two

I know I've been all about the new baby lately over here, but bear with me. I don't have baby books, so I need to do at least a little record keeping. And it's already been over TWO months! 

Honestly, sometimes it feels longer…like we'll be frozen in this stage forever and I'll never have a moment (or a bed) to myself again. This girl has kept us on our toes and has been the most challenging of the three so far. Phew. But then other times I look down at her all tiny and cuddly and I already miss the days that have gone by. 
What Fife has been up to...

+ Makes the cutest cooing noises when we talk to her, along with the big smiles.
+ Seems a little more sensitive and particular…she's the first baby to care about having a fresh diaper.
+ Hands are often by her face or even up over her head, especially when sleeping.
+ Definitely has had her evening (and day) fussy times, though they have thankfully lessened.
+ Is a very light and finicky sleeper, preferring to be right next to us, or better yet laying on our chests.
+ Wants to be held around the clock (meaning I don't get much done) and likes the baby carrier better than our first two babies.
+ Seems to be overstimulated easily but tolerates her sisters surprisingly well and even started to giggle the other day when Poppy was blowing on her stomach.
+ Doesn't appear to be following any semblance of a schedule yet.

1 comment:

emilykate said...

For some reason just your honesty about having a fussy babe was encouraging to me. Sometimes its seems people transition to families of 3/4 so seamlessly and I think, wow, I don't think it would look like that for us. She's so sweet!