

Monday, May 9, 2016

Life is Beautiful

I've been telling myself I need to take more photos of everyday life. Don't worry about setting up a perfect photo shoot. Just look for beauty in the mess and love it. Then Mother's Day morning came and the girls piled onto our bed when we should have been getting ready for church

The sheets had been stripped earlier that morning after Fife pooped up to her neck. She spends most nights in our bed even though I know she's not supposed to and it stresses me out, but that's the only way any of us get any sleep. I did wish for a cuddly baby, so I think this my fault.

Poppy is in clothes from the day before because she's been on this kick of not wanting to sleep in her pajamas. And the bandaid is there because she's a mess lately…she's covered in scratches and bruises and last week she had a doozy of a black eye from tripping and falling. 

Lucette is wearing a tutu, as she does most days when she's not in a swimsuit or princess dress or "exercise clothes" or some mismatched outfit from her closet complete with all the accessories. She changes identities about fifty times a day and has recently been declaring that she is Joshua and goes around knocking down imaginary walls (then destroying our house when she's finished with Jericho). But mostly she desperately wants to be in ballet like Poppy.

The rest of the day was uneventful and a little bit frustrating, but I had this moment of looking down at the bed at my girls and really seeing them. And I was so happy that I am a mom and this is my family.
Thank you God for imperfect mothers and their imperfect lives.


petite+grand said...

This made me so happy & smiley!!!!! See you soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha!!!

sarah.flyingkites said...

looove this post!

L, Ann and boys said...

awwwww, they are the most lovely little girls. bruises or not. ;) love you

Shana said...

So sweet.

Shana said...
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