My sister Jenny invited me to join her at the Children's Museum last week. This was the perfect snowy day activity. The museum has recently redone their toddler area, and we spent most of the time there. If you live nearby and haven't seen the update, it's definitely worth a trip.
The Music Room:
Poppy, Avo, and Prim getting their groove on.
Cetty preferred to chew on the instruments rather than play them
The Physics Lab:
I love the mad scientist look with the pink goggles…upside down
The Park:
With the water table that looked like a stream, the trees, the bird noises, and the big sunny windows, this room was as close as we were going to get to a warm spring day outside.
Notice Poppy looking ever so lady-like in the background with her little green bum in the air
Before we left, we stopped by an old favorite exhibit to see the dinosaurs and dig for fossils...
We spent the rest of the day relaxing at Luke and Jenny's house. Thanks, Jen, for the fun distraction from the cold weather!