

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Six Months

So I guess our Cetty-bugs has been around for half a year already. Which is more than enough time to fall completely in love. 

I've especially appreciated how relaxed and content she is. She really has been just about the perfect baby. She's so physically strong, but at the same time so gentle and loving. She can keep herself entertained but adores people and has a bright smile ready for whoever happens to look her way. She has the twinkliest blue eyes, the tiniest little nose (that wrinkles when she laughs), the fuzziest bit of a mohawk, and the most ridiculously soft skin. She's a charmer and we've been charmed.

So for a look at what she's been up to, here's five minutes in the life of Cetty...
+ She's sitting up on her own and has even started pulling herself up to standing

+ She's crawling


+ Putting everything into her mouth, which can get her into some trouble

+ She's playing with toys...and demolishing them

+ She's waving, wiggling, and moving all the time, while making lots of new noises

+ She giggles most when Poppy is around. And Poppy thinks she's pretty funny too. Best friends already.

 + And she's still loving her thumb and blanket (or clothing when a blanket isn't around) when she's feeling sleepy

...So that's life right now for our lovely little Lucette.
 And she says, enough of that!


sarah.flyingkites said...

Your girls look nothing alike, but are both so stinkin adorable!!!

Christen Leigh said...

Cute, cute! :)