

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Poor Boy

So, I guess Sunday was Father's Day. It also happened to be the weekend that I took wedding pictures with my sister Kaitlin. This was an unfortunate combination for Bry.

On Saturday, while I was clicking away in fun places like this...
 Bry was at home for hours with two little girls.

And on Sunday while I was busy with cute things like this...
Bry was busy with cute (and messy) things like this...

And I may or may not have temporarily forgotten that it was Father's Day until sometime in the afternoon. But hey, give me a break...it was a crazy weekend. 

However, I may or may not deserve a break for getting mad at Bry for losing a certain little girl's flower hair clip at church. And I may or may not deserve another break for getting even more mad when he lost Poppy for a minute at the reception and I found her wandering out by the pond. Poppy did not drown, but while I was retrieving her I missed the picture of the bride and groom running to their car through a shower of pom poms by two seconds (no joke). 

Poor boy. It wasn't exactly a holiday for him. But I guess that's what being a dad means sometimes. And of course I was quick to remind him that he was the one who encouraged me to say yes to the wedding in the first place. And I also made sure to comment on the fact that I only got a note jotted down on a piece of scrap paper from him on Mother's Day. Because I'm always nice and sweet like that.

Anyway, he forgave me, because he actually is always nice and sweet like that. I do realize how lucky we three girls are to have him...and I told him so. 

But I still think we need a do-over for Father's (and Mother's) Day. 

1 comment:

Erika said...

This made me smile :)