

Thursday, June 27, 2013

L is for...

Oh, Lucette. Upon realizing that she is now a quarter of a year old, I've been feeling like her babyhood is slipping away. Things have been crazy around here, and I'm afraid that if I'm not careful I'm going to suddenly wake up and realize that the baby stage is over and we have a toddler on our hands.

So this post is for Cetty, in all her baby glory. She has been such a darling thing. Her name means "graceful little light," and it turns out that it fits her perfectly. She really is a soft, sweet, happy little light in our lives. Her middle name means "dark," and we hope that she will grow up to be a bright light in a rather dark world.

And speaking of her name, I never did tell the story of where "Lucette Mela" came from. She's named after Bry's grandma Lucille, who he was very close to. The "ette" is to celebrate the French side of my family...and of course my mom's name is Annette. The middle name is for my grandma. Her name was Carmela but she was known as Mela, and she was elegant and feisty and lovely. So there you have it. She has a lot to live up to.

This also seems like a good time to finally post Cetty's newborn pictures. Here are some favorites from my sister Andria when Cetty was just two weeks old...(I promise, I tried to narrow it down)...

And just a few more from my mom...


L, Ann and boys said...

Awwwww....when you say quarter of a year...like some people say a quarter of a century, it does sound old. ;)

Love that sweet little thing.


J Gutwein said...

:)!!!! Hope you are traveling down today because one day is too many apart..

Christen Leigh said...

Such cute pictures!! :)