

Monday, February 11, 2013

What's in a Name?

I've decided that naming girl #2 is much more complicated than naming girl #1. 

Suddenly, we can't just pick a name that we like. Now it also has to fit with Poppy's name...but it can't be too matchy, because I have a thing against themes. So no more flower or nature type names. And no more names that end in a "y" or an "ie" sound. Names that end in an "s" are also not a good option for our last name...things start to get difficult to pronounce, and I don't like to be forced to over-enunciate. 

And of course we can't choose something too common or trendy, so it needs to be unique but also sound established and substantial. Bry thinks I'm ridiculous because I automatically cross off any name that's in the top 1000 most commonly used...or sounds too much like a name that's in the top 1000. (I'm exaggerating a little, but not much.)

Which brings me to the small matter of you and your husband agreeing.

Another important criteria is that we like the name to be meaningful, not just something that we came up with out of nowhere. History and family names are special to us. And I really want the name to fit the pregnancy and feel right for each individual baby...so I'd prefer to have one of those supernatural, "this is it!" sort of experiences if possible.  

Can you see why we've been having a difficult time with this whole naming process? There are a lot of names on our list that we like a lot, but finding the perfect one is another matter. 

So this is Poppy Louisa...
...with her grandma Lori Louise and her great grandma Louise. 
I fell in love with the name Poppy when I found out that she was the size of a poppyseed, and her middle name goes back through the generations on Bry's side to the first Louisa to come to America from Switzerland. I knew from the beginning that's what I wanted to name her (it took Bry a little longer), and it fits her very well. 

Why couldn't it be so easy this time around? And how is it possible to have 40 weeks to decide something and still feel like you're running out of time?

Well, despite all odds, we finally found it. The name!

Well, we thought so anyway. And then our lovely daughter decided that this baby would be named something else...something that we had mentioned months ago as an option, but had decided against. We hadn't said anything to Poppy about this other name since then, but suddenly she was set on it, and there's been no convincing her otherwise. Could it be a sign from God? Either way, I think there's going to be a scene at the hospital if we don't go with her on this one.

So, how much say do you give a two-year-old when choosing the new baby's name? And are there any other name perfectionists out there who maybe, just possibly, over-think things?


Rebekah said...

Hey Ashton! congratulations on baby number 2!!

My opinion is that you don't give a 2 year old any say so in the name...unless its a name you love too! She will get over it and will learn to like the name you picked! If we had gone with my kids' adamant suggestion, our little girl would be called "Erp"! haha!

Shana said...

I love this post :) I totally agree when thinking about names and not wanting matchy matchy but still wanting it to go along with the first child's name... I absolutely love little Poppy's name so I CAN NOT wait to hear the next little sweet pea's name :) So excited for you & Bryan!

leah said...

ok, i lol'ed at bek's comment. don't know how 'erp' would have made it through kindergarten!

excited to hear your name and love hearing your thought process along the way! :)

sarah.flyingkites said...

Ashton, I seriously could have written this post. I am such a name snob and over-analyze this subject until i'm blue in the face. Klint thinks I am totally crazy!

Can't wait to hear what it will be!


J Gutwein said...

Oh, but I think I know Poppy's name.. and well.. I cannot say too much, but I think you know that to me she is Poppy's name (although I have said the other one enough in my mind that I could get used to it ;).. call me to discuss although you know that may create more confusion.

L, Ann and boys said...

Weeeeeel....I think a two year old isn't so much a sign from God as a sign of independence and strong emotion. ;) If she herd the first name, I can see why she's a bit confused that there has been a change...but maybe tell her you got it mixed up with the next baby sister (if there is another...I mean the mix up is easy to understand when all you get is a grainy ultrasound image ;). You'll think of something to say I'm sure...I've seen your distraction techniques already and you're a pro. ;) ;)

Ashton said...

Rebekah, Erp is very original...probably not in the top 1000. Maybe you should have considered it more seriously.:)

Actually Jenny, it's not the name you think.:) It's a completely different one and kind of random because we really didn't talk about it much. But I will call you because I want to talk about your meeting!

Sarah, glad to know I'm not the only crazy one.:) Our husbands should get together and talk.:)

Ann, good idea for explaining the switch-up to Poppy.:) I'll let you know if she falls for it...

J and A said...

If it makes you feel any better, Liam has been telling EVERYONE (and I do mean everyone: friends, relatives, random people in the grocery store, teachers, etc) that we are naming our newest little one "Jesus". It is actually humorous seeing people react (Christian and non-Christian alike)... so I'm starting to fret and tell Joel we NEED to pick out a name and tell this one in advance because I'm going to have to get it drilled into my stubborn son's mind early to make life easier then him calling our baby Jesus for the first few months post birth :)

Christen Leigh said...

Hehe...I say Poppy will get over it if you choose the name you and Bryan had in mind. :) I am sure I will over-analyze names when we start a family, too! ;)

emilykate said...

Regardless, I'll be excited to hear it!

Rachel said...

We didn't know that choosing that first perfect name would set up so many standards for all of those that came after it, did we?! I LOVE Poppy's name and I love name stories...my absolute favorite kinds of stories! Pray that God will reveal it to you - maybe you'll have a very telling dream tonight :)