

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Number Six

Yesterday was our 6th anniversary. It started out a bit rough due to the fact that I've been letting myself get over stressed and overwhelmed lately, which usually means that Bry's going to have a bad day too.

Thankfully things got much better when I left to run errands and came back to a clean kitchen and a burned CD, old-school style, from Bry on the counter. He had collected pretty much all of the songs that have been part of our life together over the past six years. Our own little soundtrack...from Damien Rice to Carbon Leaf, Ben Harper to Cat Stevens. It's amazing how music can instantly take you back to different times and places. All of the sudden I was remembering our engagement, our first apartment on Purdue campus, our little old house in Broad Ripple...

The road hasn't looked exactly like we imagined and life has been harder than we thought it would be in a lot of ways, but we know that God is leading us somewhere beautiful. And the journey is part of it. I'm learning that no matter where we go from here, as long as we have Jesus and each other, we are home.

Thanks for six perfectly imperfect years with you, Babe. Here's to many more!


Shana said...

I love that you said..."I'm learning that no matter where we go from here, as long as we have Jesus and each other, we are home."

This is so true & I love that we can take comfort in a Big God that He has us exactly where He wants us...even if it's not what we had planned.

Love you! Congrats :)

emilykate said...

Wow, 6 years! Happy Anniversary!

Christen Leigh said...

Aw I love that song! Congrats on 6 years together...hard to believe it has been that long already!

J Gutwein said...

If we are being honest here the "turn-around" probably occurred d/t our phone conversation while you were out and about. You know with the cheery good week I had.. Blah.. Happy anniversary!

Ashton said...

You're right, Jen. I should give credit where credit is due.:) I do love our talks.

Daveana said...

6 years! Wow! Congratulations Bryan and Ashton. Time goes so fast. Happy Anniversary.