

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Our Drama Queen

 Sparkly tiara, sunglasses, and leopard print pajamas. Wow. We definitely have a girly girl on our hands. 

She's actually sitting in her highchair right now talking very passionately about "purple" and "pink" while she eats breakfast. And when I went over to help her with her grapefruit, she was going on and on about "shopping" for no apparent reason. So stereotypical.
People always comment on how challenging it is to raise rowdy boys, but the older Poppy gets, the more I'm realizing that the fierceness of a drama queen should not be underestimated. (not to mention the fact that she already knows how to swipe my credit card, and seems to enjoy it a little too much)

I do have to say though that her enthusiasm is usually very fun to have around. We hear lots of "Wows!" "Oh, Yeahs!" and giant gasps of amazement over the most ordinary of things. For example, she's starting to use the "big potty" now, so whenever she sees me peeing I get lots of clapping and cheering for my impressive skills. It's pretty great.

Of course I love boys too, but I would be very happy to find out that baby number two is another crazy, chatty little girl. 


Shana said...

OH my word! I love this post haha. Cracks me up that she cheers on mommy while going to the bathroom... hilarious! The diva picture is awesome :) So fun! I can't wait to find out what we are having. Either way it will be an adventure :)

Christen Leigh said...

Haha I am excited to see her personality as she grows up! :)