

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Friends in Town

Our good friends Brett, Liv, and Obie came for a visit over the weekend. We packed in a lot of fun (good talks, Children's Museum, lunch with Luke and Ann, basketball, dinner with Chad and Heather, more good talks) and had such an amazing time reconnecting with them. All of my pictures are from our trip to the Children's Museum, and as always, there is a shocking underrepresentation of adults. Prepare for baby picture overload...
On our way! Doesn't Obie look like a cute little Dr. Seuss Who?
Just chillin' in the car with a (huge) drink
They went crazy in the little kid room...so much playing to do.
Racing to the end of the bridge
The fearless Miss Amelia Earhart
Obie went to town in the water and drenched them both
Of course I had to snap a picture of the carousel...they're just so pretty
Kissing herself in the maze of mirrors. Yes, she's a little vain.
The cool kaleidoscope room
The only picture I have of Brett and Liv...lame, I know.
And our best efforts at a self family portrait in the mirror


L, Ann and boys said...

I my word, that last picture is hysterical. I'm not sure why I'm getting such a kick out of it...but I am...gonna look at it again and laugh...=)


Liv & Brett said...

tHAT was so fun! THanks tons for hosting us and giving us such a terrific weekend