

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

One Year!

Poppy Louisa is one year old already. What in the world? It has been an incredibly fun and busy year and we are so in love with this little girl. Every new stage is an adventure that teaches us more and more about who Poppy is and what parenting is all about. Thank you God for giving us this crazy, social, smiley, opinionated baby girl and for making us a family.

The Birthday Girl's first cupcake...
Recent Accomplishments:
+ Repeating after us and saying real words such as "hi," "yeah," "wow, " and "dog" (along with her version of a barking sound) at seemingly appropriate times
+ Giving big hugs that nearly pull smaller babies' heads off
+ Blowing on her food when I say "hot"
+ Noticing and loving animals
+ Becoming quite the stinker when we take something away or don't do what she wants
+ Devouring surprisingly healthy foods like leeks, asparagus, tofu, hummus, and edamame, much to my delight
+ Adoring water and learning how to swim, which at this point basically consists of dunking her head under without crying
+ Officially becoming our favorite little person in the world
+ And the big one, just in time for her birthday: WALKING! (or rather, waddling around like a drunken duck...so cute!)

1 comment:

Liv & Brett said...

I want to see her walk!! Hey we will have to discuss this weekend date in sept further, hopefully we can make it work.