

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Moving On...maybe

Here is our little house...
And here is what is now in the front yard...
So of course we're hoping to see one of these soon...
We're excited about the possibility of moving to a townhome (yay for less maintenance) on a quieter street (yay for less traffic), but what I didn't expect is how sad it is to think about moving out of our first home. I've really loved it here. There are so many memories and little things about the house that make it special, and I'm appreciating them more than ever now that we may soon be leaving. Plus, there's just something about living in an old home that makes me very happy.

But considering the fact that we've only had one showing so far, we may be here longer than we planned...which wouldn't be so bad.


Kaitlin said...

I love your little house! :) But, the town-home sounds awesome from what I've heard...and it's a little closer to Lafayette too. I don't mind that a bit!

Miss you!

Christen Leigh said...

Ash! Man, time flies... it seems like not that long ago that we were helping you move in here!

So..... I RSVP'd that I was coming to your garden party tomorrow, but I had a change of plans and don't know how to change my rsvp on that site. I am so technologically savvy, I tell ya.

Anyway,my lack of attendance is in no way a reflection of my love for you-- I just need to call and catch up with you sometime! I hope it is SO much fun-- it sounds so cute!!

Love you lots-- expect a gift from me in the near future. :)

Daveana said...

What a cute house! Good Luck on selling it, or some not so good luck :)
(which ever way you're leaning more towards!)