

Friday, June 11, 2010

Family Vacation!

Hilton Head 2010

So what did we do?

Bryan and I tried our first "low country boil" at a cool crab shack in the marsh
...with real alligators.
We went on a sail boat ride
...and the boys steered.

Adrian took his turn at the helm with our seaworthy captain from Greece showing him the ropes.
Side note: I'm still pregnant (29 weeks). It looks like I'm loving it in this picture, but things aren't always so blissful (such as today at my appointment when I had to get my blood drawn AND get a shot).
Jude turned three.
And of course we went to the beach.
There was much more to our crazy week, but all in all we had a grand time together!


Daveana said...

What a great post! Good to see you Ashton! (and Bryan)

Annette Bahler said...

ahhhhh, can we go back-

Thanks for being with Ed on Father's Day!
