

Friday, April 2, 2010

Hello Baby!

As of Tuesday, the baby has been making its presence known. Very known!

I think we have a crazy one because I'm only five months, barely showing, and have been feeling (and seeing) kicks big enough to make my shirt move. Which means Bryan has been able to feel them already too! Lots of fun. We're really falling in love now.

And in a little over a week, we'll be able to see another ultrasound and find out if it's a little boy or a little girl bumping around in there. Very excited for that appointment.

So, what's your opinion on the whole finding-out-the-gender thing? Should we wait and be surprised (I've already pretty much ruled that out), tell everyone, tell no one so at least everyone else can be surprised, or just tell our family so we can get more gender-neutral stuff at the baby shower?:) Vote on the poll to the right to help us out.


L, Ann and boys said...

how cute is that baby! =) I'm sure we can get a shot like that if we shine a light bright enough and risk no shame in the faces we make...=)

Eric & Marissa Bahler said...

I read your blog every once in awhile and couldn't resist commenting on this one. Eric & I just had our 10lb 6oz Elliott Keoni the end of November... I could've SWORN we were having twins as much as he flopped around in there! :) So crazy isn't it?

J Gutwein said...

Yay!! Love, J