

Monday, August 24, 2009

A Smile and a Ribbon

Here's a little ditty I ran across the other day by a two-sister singing act (named Patience and Prudence) from the 1950s. At first I liked it just because it's so cute and old-fashioned sounding, but the more I think about it, the song does makes a pretty good point about what people really notice.

It's amazing how much a smile can make a difference in others and in my own mood. (which I believe has something to do with the happy endorphins that are released when you use your "smile muscles"...seriously) And of course a fun ribbon can help too.:) So keep on smiling everybody!

1 comment:

Christen Leigh said...

aw how cute. :)

I've heard that before, too--that simply smiling can make you in a better mood. Hot dog! :)

So fun to hang out with you last week-- it already feels like forever ago. Love ya!