

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Many Faces of Blogs

Lately, as I've been perusing my favorite blogs, it struck me how different each one is. When you start to pay attention, you realize that there are all kinds of different styles and approaches to blogging. For example, I came up with five different "types" of blogs that we've all encountered.

1. The Bulletin Board: This blogger loves to find inspirational causes or hip products to promote. The blog is usually covered with logos, badges and links to organizations, missions and other blogs...all in support of some fun new trend or commendable cause. A good source of worthwhile info.

2. The Therapy Session: At first glance, this blog is usually a little intimidating. Most posts are long and may not even have a picture (gasp). However, once you wade in they're usually pretty entertaining. The author of these posts holds nothing back and gives their readers a hearty dose of whatever is on their minds. You get confessions, vent-sessions, hopes and dreams, embarrassing stories...you never really know, but you can always expect a real heart-to-heart when you read this one.

3. The Scrapbook: This blog is for those who either ran out of money to buy more Creative Memories paraphernalia or ran out of room in their house for another album. The blog decor is always good and posts are filled with lots of splashy big pictures of baby's first birthday or the family trip to the zoo. It's fun to browse and usually doesn't require much reading. But if a picture is worth a thousand words then there's really not much else that needs to be said.

4. The Devotional: This blog is almost as good as Beth Moore's newest study. You can usually count on some great Bible verses, praise songs (with the lyrics) and thought-provoking discussions. The author of this blog blesses us all with some refreshing substance and convicting challenges.

5. The Journal: The posts on this blog are usually a short overview of the day or a summary of the most recent noteworthy happening in the author's life. They don't go too deep, but they keep you updated on what's going on and usually include a couple of pictures of the more interesting highlights. An informative and easy read.

So, which blog type are you? And which one is most fun to read? Vote on the survey (top right of the blog) for your favorite.


J Gutwein said...

Fun post... I think I am most vent session style, with a bit of the last three thrown in. Love, J

Anonymous said...

I am not a creative writer so needless to say my blog is totally scrapbook.

L, Ann and boys said...

you tell me. =o) I think I'm a journal type since I'm trying to keep family in the know. I've been one to therapy post though and even label the as such. Come to think of it, I post a lot of pictures too...I don't know.


Mindy said...

Hey Ashton! I hopped over here after seeing it mentioned on Jen's blog. I would say that I'm a journal blogger. Fun post!

emilykate said...

Fun way to categorize blogs...I can totally think of certain blogs that would be examples of each one. I am mostly journal..with a little of the others thrown in at times.

Kaitlin said...

This is one cool post Ash! You are an amazing writer and very creative. I'd say I'm a combination of the journal and the therapy session...More leaning towards the journal type though.

I love you! See you this weekend.

Andrea said...

very fun read ash. i would say that i'm a journal/scrapbook blogger.

Christen Leigh said...

Aw this is a fun post. I am TOTALLy a devotional..... I actually usually just use my blog as a public prayer journal. :)

JK. I am probably a journal blogger, though.... just with more than the normal amount of pictures.

I miss you! I am planning on being in Indy all weekend, but my Grandma is not doing well, so we'll see what actually happens... If i AM around we must be together b/c I miss you like mad. Have a lovely day!

Ashton said...

I'm sorry about your grandma, Christen. Call me if you are in town and have any free time. We'll be around all weekend and would LOVE to see you.

Miss you too!