

Monday, November 25, 2013

For My Blog Friends...

I am currently obsessed with:  I'm not really an obsessive type of person. I like balance. Anytime that I sense that I'm becoming even slightly obsessed with something, I cut back on it. Or I just get bored with it. So maybe I'm obsessed with balance. 

My biggest pet peeve is: Hmm. I hate it when people don't answer me when I'm talking to them. OK, maybe just when Bry does that. I also really don't like it when people are rude to strangers (or to anyone, I suppose). It just doesn't seem that hard to me to be polite, patient, and kind in public. I have a much harder time with that at home...

I could eat an endless supply of: Pasta, good bread, couscous, rice...carbs in general

I am currently reading: I just finished, Nothing to be Afraid of by Julian Barnes (SUCH a clever, intelligent writer, though some of his content is definitely a little sketch). And I just started, Autobiography of a Face by Lucy Grealy. I'm doing a lot of reading about death and illness for my grad school program...so yeah, it's a party over here.

My bedtime recently has been: Usually after midnight, though we're TRYING to get to bed earlier so we can survive past 40.

The last movie I watched was: Skyfall (yes, we're pretty behind in the movie world due to the fact that we seldom have time to actually sit down for that long)

I am writing this while: Poppy is playing upstairs in her room and Cetty is napping. So, I should probably be using this rare bit of quiet time to read the Bible or clean the house or something. Update: Poppy is now sitting on my lap, singing a little made up song, holding my fingers back from the keyboard, and pushing random buttons. (so you can blame all typos on her)

The scripture that is really speaking to my heart is: I'm reading through Captivating with my ladies' Bible study group and working through Matthew with BSF. So I've been learning a lot about Jesus' ministry and also about how God designed a woman's heart to mirror his own and offer something beautiful and valuable to the world. Both studies have been amazing in different ways.

On days when I don’t leave the house, I: This actually happens quite frequently for me. Going out with the girls seems like a lot of work and I don't feel the need to be around people constantly, so if I don't have a good reason to go out then I usually don't. When I'm home I'm busy trying to keep the girls fed, happy, and feeling loved...and I manage to accomplish surprisingly little beyond that. Maybe I'll read something, clean something, email someone, or make baby food. Or maybe not.

If I could hug anybody today, it would be: My Poppyseed, my Cettybugs, or Bry are all very nice to hug.