

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Hedgehog Soup

And now for some Poppy quotes...


Last night I made tortellini soup with little round slices of chicken sausage. Poppy wanted to "help," so I held her up to see the soup. She got very excited and exclaimed, "Hedgehogs!" while pointing at the stove. I was a little confused.

"Where are the hedgehogs, Poppy?"

She pointed again, more insistent this time, "Hedgehogs in soup! Right there!"

It finally dawned on me that of course she meant to say sausage...because they sound so much alike. "Actually, those are called sausages."

Her answer to that: "Ohhh...ostriches!"

Our meals are very exotic around here.


As a two-year old, Poppy is now in the egocentric, everything-is-or-should-be-hers stage. And as the exemplary spiritual leader that he is, Bry has been trying to explain to her that nothing is really ours. He's been saying things like "No, Poppy, that cookie isn't yours. It's God's, but God is sharing it with you because he loves you. That's why we should share with other people. To show them that we love them." Yes, he is very noble and I applaud his efforts.

Well, last night, Poppy was not at all pleased about going to bed in her room and so in the middle of her story-praying-singing routine, she started saying, "It's not my bed!" over and over again. Not knowing what she was talking about, we finally just left her in her bed, hoping she would sort it out and fall asleep. But a couple of minutes later I heard her door open and went to investigate. She was in our bed, all snuggly with the covers up to her chin.

"Poppy, why are you in our room?"

"That's not my bed!" she said frantically while pointing in the direction of her room.

"Who's bed is it?" I asked.

"That's God's bed over there!"

We tried to tell her that God would be happy to let her use the bed, but she would have none of it. I think our "spiritual training" might be creating a monster.


L, Ann and boys said...


Shana said...

Oh this is so cute! I can hear her little voice & see a confused look while reading through this post. So fun! Excited you have another one coming VERY soon :)

- Love you!

J Gutwein said...

I can hear her little voice saying these things ;)!!

emilykate said...

So cute. She sounds really fun to interact with!

dan and tess said...

I literally laughed out loud! What a cutie!

Christen Leigh said...

Ha so cute! Chad and I have been saying "Uh-HUH!!" really excitedly to each other--quoting your little cutie. Hey, I loved hanging out with you guys a couple weekends ago. What a great time! I love you! :)