

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

So Much "To Do"

It seems that my "To Do Before Baby" list has been growing instead of shrinking. But since the nursery is painted, the crib is set up, and there is no registering or baby shower this time around, most of the items on the list have more to do with the big sister than they do the new little one.

Which is actually more daunting.

For example...
To Do Before Baby

  • Rid Poppy of her beloved bedtime pacifiers
  • Potty-training...sigh
  • Somehow figure out how to keep Poppy from scribbling on the walls, foraging in the pantry, or experimenting with our bathroom supplies whenever I'm not in the room (which will be a lot more often once baby #2 is here)
  • Start taking Poppy to the dentist...and I suppose that means I should be brushing her teeth regularly too
  • Get a photo book or two of Poppy printed before a new wave of baby pictures comes in
  • Find a magical solution for Poppy's ever-increasing attitude problems...Overall she is delightful, but the terrible two's have brought along some not-so-lovely tantrums, physical aggressiveness, and overall obedience/boundary issues. (consistent, godly discipline is not for the faint of heart)
  • Move Poppy from her crib to her new "big girl room"
  • Spend some focused time away with Bry (without spending any money)
  • Find out what we're having! (which means waiting rather impatiently for the 26th)
Notice that only one of these is crossed off. Any helpful suggestions would be most welcome.


sarah.flyingkites said...

This is totally my opinion, but I wouldn't put too much pressure to get rid of the paci before baby. She might need that :) We are paci addicts over here :)

Also, I have an amazing potty training program that worked perfectly for Emitt if you are interested :)

Love your list - it feels so great to get that stuff done. Excited to hear what you are having too (if you are telling, that is)!

Eric & Marissa Bahler said...

Let me know when you get it all figured out! ;) I can say that two is somehow easier than one (excluding the first few months of course)... Also twice the fun.. So be encouraged! And don't forget to add prayer to your list (I know you haven't forgotten). God will be working in Poppy's life whether your list is completed or not! But I totally get the urgency and frustration... Oh to be two.

emilykate said...

I can't give child advice, but definitely fit in that time with Bryan! I'm already regretting we didn't plan a pre-baby getaway...but maybe it's not too late. :)

L, Ann and boys said...

that picture of the Pops is jumping off my computer screen with energy. could her hair be anymore popping?;) So cute. On the baby book issue, I think throwing pictures into a desktop folder and then printing a book of just pictures without the pressure of words and other details is very efficient. Our baby books have only one picture a year which is very low stress too if your in the market for one. Can I come to your ultrasound the 26th? What time?


Ashton said...

Sarah-thanks for encouraging me not to pressure Poppy about the pacifier thing.:) And I may get in touch with you about the potty training program.

Marissa-That is very comforting to hear that two is doable and maybe even easier in some ways! And yes, prayer is the most important part of parenting, but sadly one of the easiest to overlook.:)

Emily- It's definitely not too late for a getaway! I think we may just do a quick weekend, but that's better than nothing.

Ann- I like the idea of just printing a book of pictures instead of loading myself down with journaling. And a picture is worth a thousand words, right?:) I also like the idea of doing those little proofing books...so I'll probably be asking you about those. And I want to order at least one big canvas print from Poppers' two-year shoot too. We just need to come over sometime.:)

Ashton said...

And Andria, yes you can most definitely come to my ultrasound if you want! It's at 10am.:)

Rachel said...

Ah...the before baby list! Ours was huge and not completely done before #2 arrived (ours are three weeks shy of 2 years apart...I'm thinking close to the same as yours?!)
What having 2 has taught me:
1. I've gotta be more flexible
2. I've gotta get rid of my unrealistic (though I didn't originally think they were) expectations of myself and my toddler!
3. I've gotta focus on those things of eternal value and work on 1 or 2 of the other issues when I have time and energy!

Sleep and rest now - soon it will be a luxury!

J and A said...

Love your list. Sadly it resembled mine, and I'm still working at it. Just pray for little (though they are big!) miracles... I didn't know how Liam would get rid of the paci, but he did one day with no turning back, only a month after the baby was born! Now if only that'd work for potty training... :)

I think spending time with Bry is the most important though, because you get twice as busy once the baby comes!

Sandra said...

Maybe this is just my childrens dentist office in lafayette(dr.bozic), but they don't want to see the kiddos till age 3!! WHich would eliminate dentist visit off your list(although I recommend keeping the brushing one on:)).
I agree...don't stress about the paci. You might be thankful she still has that once the baby arrives.

Joy said...

I would also agree with others about not worrying if the paci isn't gone by the time the aby arrives. Jayla just turned 3 and still uses it at night. New years is my goal to take it away.

Yes, a getaway with Bryan is a must! Sure wish we would have done that!

Good luck with the potty training!